Our History


Little Athletics started in Geelong in 1964 and in 1969 Brighton was the 63rd centre to join to the Victorian Little Athletics Association , now known as Little Athletics Victoria. At competitions for State and Regional Championships, athletes wear the Brighton colours of royal blue and orange with the number 63.

Originally, the centre was divided into 4 clubs with athletes competing in clubs according to the school they represented. The club concept was abolished in 2012 and along with our recent rebrand incorporating an additional 'BLAC' logo has helped to facilitate the ‘Go BLAC’ motto when we represent our centre with pride at regional and state events.

Over the years, the Brighton Little Athletics Club has grown a reputation for our focus on family, fun, fitness and friendship. With our grass track ideally suited to growing bodies, we continue to strive to create the best possible environment for young athletes, regardless of their ability. We certainly would love your child to come on board.

More information about the rich history of Brighton Little Athletics can be found here in a penned history of the centre as compiled by Judy Pfanner in 2009 to celebrate our 40th year.
