

What is the BLAC Experience?

Its more than just competing in a fun, friendly and family-oriented club. Its about our Values, our Culture and the fantastic events that make being a part of the Brighton Little Athletics Club (BLAC) such a rewarding experience for athletes and their families.



The BLAC Values are derived from Little Athletics Victoria’s own Mission Statements which are:

  • To develop children of all abilities by promoting positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle through family and community involvement in athletics activities.

  • Through the enjoyment of athletics develop positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle for our children, families and community.

From these, BLAC Values are:

  • To encourage and develop athletes to help them achieve their personal best

  • To have parents and athletes be actively engaged in our Club and Community

  • To have an active membership who help the Club succeed week in, week out

  • to, as a Committee, do what we say we’re going to do

We hope you find something you identify with in these Statements and Values and are encouraged to participate each week at BLAC.