Latest News & LAVic Updates

With our season back in full swing, we thought it timely to remind parents of the social media policies that apply to Little Aths centres around Victoria.
The full policy can be found in the Athletes Info section of our website.


What an epic start to our season. The weather was great, the BBQ was firing, big smiles all over the Dendy park. We welcomed lots of new families - registered and as trials - and we cant wait to see everyone back next week.
Please see Parent Helper duty roster for each week. All the jobs are easy and if you’re unsure - please reach out.

Training is back this week with one slight change to Hurdles with Allan which will be from 6pm-7pm.

Relays are fast approaching and we need to start entering teams NOW.
Please register your interest now at



We’re less than a week away from our first day of competition!
Things to remember this week:
* In order to compete - you must be registered before Saturday. Even trial athletes need to be in the system so don’t leave it until Saturday!

* Chest patch collection is on this Thursday 10th October from 5pm at the clubhouse at Dendy Park. We’d love to hand out as many of these as we can before Saturday morning. And dont forget - you get one patch per season. Please look after it as best you can.

* Training begins this Tuesday at Dendy Park. Please RSVP via TeamApp.
MIDDLE DISTANCE 4:30pm-5:30pm
LONG JUMP 6pm-7pm
HURDLES 5:30pm-6:30pm

SPRINTS 4:30pm-5:30pm
HIGH JUMP 6pm-7pm
THROWS 6pm-7pm

* Relays are coming in fast! These are for kids U9 and up. You dont need to have a team organised - we’ll take care of that. Please let us know ASAP if you’d like to be part of relays. They are by far the most fun events on the calendar and a great chance to meet other kids and represent BLAC! Please email

That’s it for now. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Bring it on BLAC!!!



The countdown is ON. We’re back for season 24/25 in just under 2 weeks!
Make sure you register now so you’re ready to go on Saturday 12 October. Come a little early to sort yourself out, with warm up starting at 8:15am sharp.
Quick reminders:
* Name patch collection is on Thursday 10th October - time to be advised but at this stage it will be late afternoon/early evening at the clubhouse at Dendy Park.

* Please sign up to Stack Team App. This is the hub for all our weekly comms like results, volunteer rosters, training schedules and RSVPs. Stack Team App (with the alerts turned on - sorry) is a must for the season!

* Relays are just around the corner!! Entries open 14th Oct for Mentone relays (10th November) and LAVic Regional relays (16/17 November). These event are for our U9s and above so if you think your kid is interested - please reach out ASAP!

* Uniform can be purchased here on our website and collected on the day.

* Training commences Tuesday 8th October at Dendy Park. Please refer to TeamApp or here in the ATHLETE INFO section of our website. RSVP is essential.

* We cant wait to welcome everyone back. See you all on Saturday 12 October!


19/09/24 Blac is back! registrations are open season 24/25

Well that took a hot minute!
We’re pleased to announce that we are FINALLY taking registrations for our Brighton Little Aths season 2024/25. This years rego system is a little different using a new platform so if you’re having issues please reach out.
A few points to mention:

* Following the lead of many Little Aths clubs, we have introduced a $70 Volunteer bond this year. Putting on a successful competition each week takes a big effort and we need to ensure it’s not the same people each week. The jobs are easy, fun and - we just need them done! Rest assured - we don’t want your $70! We just need your help! Thanks for your understanding.

* 12th October 8am - first day of competition at Dendy Park. Trials athletes welcome.

* Early Bird Discount until 20th October

* Our season calendar can be found in Athlete Info under 2024/25 Season Info section

13/09/24 Volunteer bond season 24/25

This season, a $70 volunteer bond will be added to Brighton Little Athletics fees.
To have the bond refunded at the end of the season, each family is required to nominate their desired duty and complete two of those duties during the season. In addition, you must also assist with one set-up and one pack-up duty. These contributions are essential for ensuring that our events run smoothly and we greatly appreciate your support and involvement. The bond will be refunded at the of the season once we have finalised that all duties have been completed.

The $70 volunteer bond is a common practice among many Little Athletics clubs, as we all face challenges in getting enough parent volunteers to help out. Our club, like others, relies heavily on the support of parents to ensure that events run smoothly. By contributing your time through volunteering, you play a crucial role in keeping the club running.  We greatly appreciate your involvement in making the season a success for all of our young athletes.



Thank you for your patience. We’re just waiting for LAVic to activate our Brighton Little Aths registration portal so we can start processing everyone for our upcoming season. Please continue to check your emails & our socials for when it’s go-time!
In the meantime, some reminders:

  • 12th October 8am - first day of competition at Dendy Park. Trials athletes welcome.

  • Early Bird Discount until 20th October


14/08/24 countdown is on for SUMMER season 24/25

BLAC IS BACK…almost.

With the Cross Country season coming to a close - it’s time to dial up the excitement for our 24/25 summer Track and Field season!
RETURNING MEMBERS: The membership portal opens for registrations on September 1st.
NEW MEMBERS: We’re taking expressions of interest NOW. Sign on here

Let’s go, BLAC!!

12/08/24 KEY DATES for season 24/25

  • September 1st - registrations open

  • 1st September - 20th October - early bird discount.

  • 12th October 8am - first day of competition at Dendy Park. Trials athletes welcome.

  • Twilight competition dates:
    Friday 24th January 2025 (Australia Day weekend)
    Friday 7th March 2025 (Labor Day weekend)

  • 15th March 2025 - Last competition day at Dendy Park .

  • 22nd March 2025 - Presentation day at Dendy Park.

  • For relays, open days, championships events and and all the important LAVic season dates check here


22/04/24 Cross country 2024

The Cross Country season is now upon us! We are kicking off this Saturday 27th April at Bald Hill Park.

Coaching will be commencing at Dendy Park this Tuesday 23rd April at 4:30pm. 

If you are planning on joining and you havn't registered yet you can register here.

As you are a member of Brighton Little Aths for 23/24 season you do NOT need to pay the LAVic winter only fee of $55 as you have already have this (insurance) fee as part of your yearly membership. If you have friends who are not members of LAs at this time, but who want to join you at XC, they will need to join LAVic first before entering the Bayside XC season. All communication for Bayside XC will be via the bayside XC Team App.

You are strongly encouraged to enter Bayside XC for the season for $40 (11 Saturdays/events) – this means you can see your results online and are eligible for medals and awards for the season (minimum participation applies). It also makes administration on the day much easier which is important for the volunteers involved and for a smooth running of the program.  

As a registered and financial member of LAVic, if you want to just attend one or two Bayside XC events you can do this for $6 per event, payable on the day.

Important - You will need your Commbank chest patch at Bayside XC from the summer 23/24 season!   If you have already disposed of/misplaced your chest patch, please contact in the first instance so we can assist.


08/04/24 Cross country 2024

Cross Country for the winter season for Brighton will be co-ordinated by Bayside XC bringing athletes from 8 local centres together for 11 events on Saturdays mornings between April and July.  U9+ athletes will also have the opportunity to take place in LAVic organised events (State XC Relay, SMR XC Carnival and State XC Championship).  You can view the XC calendar here in the coming days once it has been finalised.  The season will be kicking off on Saturday 27th April.

The XC mornings are a little different with athletes competing in a single, generally longer event on the day at 4 locations around Bayside area.  More information including weekly updates will be through the Bayside Cross Country Team App - Please join via this link.

As you are a member of Brighton Little Aths for 23/24 season you do NOT need to pay the LAVic winter only fee of $55 as you have already have this (insurance) fee as part of your yearly membership. If you have friends who are not members of LAs at this time, but who want to join you at XC, they will need to join LAVic first before entering the Bayside XC season. All communication for Bayside XC will be via the bayside XC Team App.

You are strongly encouraged to enter Bayside XC for the season for $40 (11 Saturdays/events) – this means you can see your results online and are eligible for medals and awards for the season (minimum participation applies). It also makes administration on the day much easier which is important for the volunteers involved and for a smooth running of the program.   Registrations for the Bayside XC Season are now open.

As a registered and financial member of LAVic, if you want to just attend one or two Bayside XC events you can do this for $6 per event, payable on the day.

Coaching - Coaching will be commencing at Dendy Park on Tuesday 23rd April at 4:30pm. 

Important - You will need your Commbank chest patch at Bayside XC from the summer 23/24 season!   If you have already disposed of/misplaced your chest patch, please contact in the first instance so we can assist.

11/01/24 Welcome back to 2024

BLAC is back for the second half of the Little Aths season. This Saturday we’ll be hosting Sandringham at Dendy for our annual interclub event. U12 Girls parents - you’re duty, so please reach out to Alice with your availability.

Training resumes this week and continues until the end of the season - please RSVP vis TeamApp so our coaches can plan their sessions.

Registrations are now due (will close on 22nd Jan) for the Regional Track & Field Carnival. The carnival will be held at Duncan McKinnon on 10/11th Feb and is the qualifying event for the State Championships. All U9-U17 athletes are encouraged to enter.


07/12/23 Competition venue & time change for Saturday 9 Dec

Due to the Bayside Carols set up at Denny Park, BLAC competition this Saturday 9th December will take place at Sandringham Track Glamis Ave Hampton from 11:45 (warm up) 12 noon start - 2pm.
We’d like to thank everyone in advance for their willingness to work with us - we realise that this time clashes with basketball, family catch ups and other planned events however it was out of our control.
Please keep an eye out for emails and social updates in case the weather turns nasty on Saturday.


We’re celebrating the season so far with a massive BLAC family day straight after little aths this Saturday. When you’ve finished your events - head over Breen Drive to the Brighton Bowls for food, drinks, Santa and a whole bunch of fun. Dont miss it!

28/11/23 School Sport Australia National Championships Launceston.

Congratulations to Brighton Little Aths kids - Frankie and Jacob who represented Victoria in the recent National Track & Field Championships in Tasmania with over 600 of the countries best athletes aged 10-12 taking part in the 4 day event.
10 Boys Discus 10th
10 Boys Shot Put 8.37
11 Girls 4x100m BRONZE
11Girls 800m 8th
11 Girls 200m 9th
11 Girls 100m 12th

Massive effort Frankie and Jake!


18/11/23 SMR & State Relays

What a day! Our BLAC relay teams shone at the SMR Relay championships at Duncan McKinnon. We hit the podium 12 times including:
Mixed 9 4x100m, Female 10 4x100m, Female 12 Medley
Female 12 4x200m, Female 10 Medley, Female 9 Medley, Female 4x200m
Male 12 4x100m, Female 10 4x200m, Female 12 4x100m, Female 14 4x100m.

Congratulations to the 22 teams who have qualified to progress to the State Relay Championships Saturday 16th December at Lakeside Stadium. You have all been contacted via email.

Relay training:
Sunday 3rd December 4pm-5pm DENDY
Sunday 10th December 4pm-5pm DENDY.

It’s important to note that relays are a TEAM event of 4 people. If you cannot make the event for any reason, you are required to contact Susan Rowe and let her know.

21/10/23 RElay training

If you’ve signed up for relays or would like to give them a crack - training will be held on Sunday afternoons from 4pm-5pm at Dendy. Zac will be taking kids through baton changes and drills as we work out teams for our upcoming Mentone and Regional relay day.


05/10/23 Uniform Online Store now open!

Beat the Sat morning queue and order your competition tops, shorts and hoodies here


02/10/23 RELAY SIGN UP!

Relay season is fast approaching so we need to put teams together ASAP.
12 November Mentone Relays:
U/8-U17 boys, girls & mixed teams. U/6 &U/7 & parent shuttle relay.

18&19 November Regional Relays:
U/9-U-17 boys, girls & mixed teams.

16th December State Relays:
U/9-U-17 boys, girls & mixed teams.

Register your interest NOW:



LONG JUMP 6pm-7pm

HURDLES 5:30pm-6:30pm
THROWS 5:30pm-6:30pm
HIGH JUMP 6pm-7pm

02/10/23 2023/24 Calendar

Our season calendar can be found in the ATHLETE INFO SECTION of our website. All the Little Aths important dates are there like relays, open days and regional/state events plus our programs for each week.

02/10/23 PATCH collection & Registrations now open

We’re only days away from our first day of competition! Registration patch are available for collection TUESDAY 3rd & THURSDAY 5th at the club rooms from 5-6pm.
Saturday is going to be very busy so if you can make it down to collect your patch before Saturday then we’d really appreciate it.

23/9/23 BLAC REgistrations now open

Dendy is looking tip-top and we’re counting down the day until the first day of competition SATURDAY OCTOBER 7. Warm up 8:15am, fun kicks off at 8:30.
To join - hit the REGISTER button here on our site and you’ll be taken to the LAVIC registration page. Last year we had over 380 kids! Let’s see if we can break that record this year!!


14/9/23 BLAC OPEN DAY THIS saturday 16th september

It’s time to get back on track at BLAC - our OPEN DAY is on this Saturday at Dendy Park from 9am - 10:30am. If you’re new to Little Athletics this is the perfect opportunity to come and have a go, meet some of our little athletes and chat to committee members about what to expect and answer any questions.
And if you’d like to register - hit the REGISTER button here on our site and you’ll be taken to the LAVIC registration page.
First day of competition is SATURDAY OCTOBER 7.

30/8/23 2023/24 Athlete registrations NOW OPEN!!!

If you’d like to join or rejoin Brighton Little Aths this season - jump onto the link below and get started. And please dont forget to also sign up to the duty roster. All the jobs are super easy and allow you plenty of time to watch your superstars in action.


30/8/23 2023/24 Trial Athlete registrations

If you’re new to Little Aths - WELCOME! (everyone else: your registration email is on its way…)

The Trial Athlete Offer is available to children: that have not previously registered as Competitive Members of any Little Athletics Member Association; and who are 5 years of age or older, and who are 16 years of age or younger at the end of the calendar year in which the summer season commences.
To sign up for a trial offer - follow the link below.


29/8/23 2023 summer season update

Registrations for Season 23/24 will open any minute! But in the meantime we have the following important dates to share:

16th September: BLAC OPEN DAY
This is the perfect opportunity for new (and returning) members to come to Dendy and get a feel for Little Athletics. The barbie will be firing and the Committee members and athletes will be on hand to answer any questions.

…and we’re away!

Look out for the registration email from LAVIC arriving in your inbox soon….

29/7/23 2023 SMR Regional Cross Country championshipS

Congratulations to all our BLAC runners who took part in the the SMR Regional Cross Country Championships at Carrum Downs Sec. We had a great turn from the club (the perfect weather conditions certainly helped!) and lots of fantastic results in the individual and teams comps:
2nd Aaliyah S, 4th Finlay M, 5th Sara H, 8th Clementine O, 9th Matthew D.

2nd Will P, 8th Harry O, 10th Milla P, 11th Jade W, 14th Henry M, 18th Milla M, 18th Harry F, 21st Jacob, 22nd Jenna.

1st Frankie H, 4th Isla M, 8th Angus H, 9th Darby R, 18th Abel C.

2nd Oliver P, 3rd Ariel F

13th Zahra S (5th Walk), 7th Angus B

Next up we have the State Championships on Saturday 12th August at Lake Dewar.
Details at:


28/10/22 Friday night twilight meet now At SANDRINGHAM

Due to track conditions again at Dendy - we will be joining Sandringham Little Aths at their lovely track for tomorrow nights (28/10) TWILIGHT SESSION. Thanks Friends!
* 5:15pm for a 5:30pm start (this is slightly earlier)
* Bring your chest plate.
* Sandy Athletics Track is on Glamis Ave, Hampton.
* Halloween theme so make sure you dress up!
* Prizes on offer for best dressed.
* BBQ.
Thank you so much for your understanding. It’s our priority to get our kids and the season on track and moving and we’re super grateful for our friends/neighbour Sandringham for allowing us to do so!
Hope to see everyone this Friday.

2/10/22 Your ‘Pre-first day of competition’ checklist

It was great to see so many new faces at Dendy last Saturday morning for our open day and we’re hoping to see you all back this week for WEEK 1!! Finally!
Here are a few things to get onto this week:

* CHEST PLATE COLLECTION. The club rooms will be open this week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5-6:30pm for you to come and grab your chest plate and anything uniform-wise. Saturday morning will be excitingcrazyhectic so we highly recommend you come and get it ahead of time (pretty please…)

* TRAINING COMMENCES. Our coaches are all set to go. For times - check TEAM APP or the coaching section of the website.

* SIGN UP FOR TEAM APP. Keep up to date with everything BLAC related on Team App.

* FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL. Instagram and Facebook.

* SHOWTIME! We’ll see you at Dendy Park at 8:15am for warm up. Events start at 8:30am.


We’re back on track for Season 2022/23. If you haven’t registered yet - get it done because the season is almost here.
Things to do:

* Come and grab your chest plate from the pavilion at Dendy Park - 4th, 5th & 6th of OCTOBER 5-6:30PM.

* Parents must sign up for the Duty Roster to get your kids chest plate that allows them to participate. All hands on deck!

* Make sure you arrive on time or even a little earlier on the 8th. First comp day is hectic with all the new-kid, new-parent energy in the air. Let’s make it a good one (and bring a little patience too).