Little Athletics requires many hands to make light work!
Little Athletics is an organisation run by parents. Many parents have never competed in athletics themselves but find that they enjoy learning about the sport whilst helping their children to learn new skills.
At Brighton the emphasis is on Family, Fun, Fitness & Friendship and in this context, the order is important since without the contributions of Families we cannot possibly achieve the other goals.
Brighton Little Athletics needs all parents to actively contribute to the running of the centre and we need you to register for a volunteer role as part of the registration process.
You will be asked to select a volunteer role and will be assigned to a duty group manager who will coordinate a basic roster and guide you.
At our open days, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about volunteer roles.
Thanks for your commitment to BLAC. Rest assured, no matter what you choose, you will have time to spend with your child and you will be trained in the requirements for the role.
See you on the track at BLAC
BLAC Parental Duties
Track Operations - Finish Line Marshals and Starters
With the guidance of the track ops manager, assist in the coordination of track results by either starting, scanning, athlete coordination or timekeeping. 8.30am - until all track events are completed.
Age Group Marshal
Marshall the age group between events and guide the athletes on the basics of each event. With the guidance of age group managers and the committee, assist in the operations of jumps and field events (measuring, raking, etc) and ensure orderly completion of track events.
Equipment Setup
This duty involves the setting up of athletic equipment prior to the commencement of the Saturday program. Parents assisting with setup duty are only required at the Dendy Park oval from 7:00am through to 8:15am.
Equipment Packup
This duty involves the packing up of athletic equipment after it is no longer required for the Saturday program. Parents assisting with pack up duty are not required at the Dendy Park oval until 10:00am. Pack up is normally completed at 11:00am.
Results Data Entry
Manually enter results data for field events into the results HQ portal from approx 9.30am - 11.00am.
Canteen / BBQ
Includes preparation and sales of canteen items including BBQ setup, cooking and cleanup.
First Aid
This duty runs from 8:30am to completion of events and involves being available to attend to any person injured at the centre. Parents assisting in this duty must be trained in First Aid procedures.
LAA National Child Protection Policy
Little Athletics Victoria has a zero tolerance to child abuse, is committed to acting in children's best interest and keeping them safe, and actively works to empower children.
We value diversity and do not tolerate any discrimination practices. To achieve this we will:
Promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children and their families.
Promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and their families.
Welcome children with a disability and their families and act to promote their participation.
The adoption of the Policy and Statement of Commitment will enable LAVic to create consistent policies and procedures in line with the Standards and will influence organisational and community culture on child safety.
A copy of the LAA National Child Protection Policy